Monday, March 20, 2017

Adorable Toast Art

When I was just a kid, I'd always get in trouble for playing with my food. Now that I am old (-er), and old habits die hard, every now and then I still find myself enjoying the ever unnecessary but also oh-so-fun session of decorating my toast before eating it. I mean sure, you could just slap that peanut butter on top and get on with life but honestly, what's the fun in that? People are always saying " you must have so much free time on hand, with the funny toast and everything." Truth is, I really don't. I have the same 24 hours of never ending works and the misery of lack of sleep like everyone else. But this is also the exact reason that keeps me going, because creating yummy and cute foods makes me happy. Anyways, I have digressed. Back to cute toast! I don't really have recipes for each of them, because I usually just work with whatever ingredients I have on hand. A piece of white bread is basically like a blank canvas, after all! So have fun and go wild with your creations. Have a great week ahead everyone!    

Totoro Toast made with white chocolate and black sesame cream cheese spread!

Pompompurin toast with chocolate and peanut butter!

Pikachu toast with cheese and strawberry jam!

Cute turtle toast with panda kaya spread and fried quail egg!

Gudetama toast tugged warmly under a crispy bacon!


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